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Better Pictures
Quote from
MaddMutt on 2020-08-06, 02:51
Could you please include better Pictures of the EVC2 to show all of the possible connectors on the front of the PCB.
Thank You
Could you please include better Pictures of the EVC2 to show all of the possible connectors on the front of the PCB.
Thank You
Quote from
elmor on 2020-08-06, 11:35
Will this do?
Will this do?
Uploaded files:MaddMutt has reacted to this post.
Quote from
MaddMutt on 2020-08-13, 02:28
Excellent 🙂 I'm a hands on/having to see it - type of learner.
Thank You
Excellent 🙂 I'm a hands on/having to see it - type of learner.
Thank You