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I`ve probs with my KTH, the reading Temps are all wron. Now I`ve connectet it to EVC2 and wanted change done factory reset.

Can you please send me the values for Zero-Bias, Gain ant ThOffset?

Uploaded files:
  • 2021-04-17_15h47_31.png

Hello, factory calibration values for your unit as below. I think you can also change the Calibration Profile to Factory to get these?


Zero-bias: 32777
Gain: 802
ThOffset: -28


Zero-bias: 32761
Gain: 802
ThOffset: 28

sergmann has reacted to this post.

nothing helps :(.

TC1 doesn`t work correct. Shows me 22,6-22,7 °c and don`t change the temps if I put the probe into LN2

Are all other settings correcht?

Quote from sergmann on 2021-04-18, 05:47

nothing helps :(.

TC1 doesn`t work correct. Shows me 22,6-22,7 °c and don`t change the temps if I put the probe into LN2

Are all other settings correcht?

Can you join Discord so I can help you in real time?