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Can I use the EVC2 to read/write to a DIP8?

Does this device only work with the provided software or does it also work with flashrom as well for example?

I have read a couple forum posts about the software having issues with flashing ROMs less than the previous BIOS or something? I have an Asus KGPE-D16 with a DIP8 chip I'd like to flash with Libreboot.

Edit: I have a ch341a_spi programmer that's been modified to 3.3v but even with the 1.8v adapter I can't read the chip. So the EVC2 DIP8 adapter seemed perfect.


Hello. It only works with the provided software. The DIP8 adapter can also be used with something like a CH341A programmer assuming you have the pin adapter which is included with the SOIC8 test clip for example.