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Guide for 6900xt

Need a complete guide with pictures, for overclocking 6900xt ref
with default values for power controllers in EVC2 software
and changed values and their impact on performance
with the map card on pc everything is clear
but the work in the program is poorly explained

Hello, there are some details here on using EVC2 with 6900XT:

Need fork EVC2 software with Overclocking Ai with function auto and benchmarks, stresstest etc


Quote from hrum on 2021-05-02, 10:23

Need fork EVC2 software with Overclocking Ai with function auto and benchmarks, stresstest etc


I think at the point you are attaching an EVC2, you are well past the AI overclocking part of overclocking.

if you have reached the point where you need an EVC2, you know enough about overclocking to know automatic overclocking is garbage compared to doing it yourself.

besides where to attach the lines(which elmor already pointed you to the information you need), you won't find much in the way of guides cause everyones card/voltage control chips/pcb's/situation is different and there is no one stop shop for making it just work without the knowledge behind it.

you can very much break things without some basic understanding of voltage control/curves/offsets etc

Skatterbencher on youtube does awesome in-depth videos to help you gain that knowledge.